ISSN : 1738-477X
국어사연구, Vol.39 (2024)
DOI : 10.14727/khl.2024.39.115
- 『四聲通解』의 체제와 내용적 가치 -
본고는 崔世珍이 편찬한 『四聲通解』의 체제와 내용을 검토하여 그 가치를 파악하는 것에 주안을 두었다. 그 결과 『사성통해』는 76운 체제의 『洪武正韻』에 기반하였으며, 分韻체제 및 聲母배열에서 한국의 독창성이 확인된다. 특히 성모 배열은 15세기 조선시대 성운학의 결과물인 『訓民正音』 解例本의 초성 배열 순서와 일치하는 점이 주목된다. 이외에도 본고에서는 『사성통해』에서 교열한 발음과 새롭게 제시된 발음 표기 방식이 『(번역)노걸대』, 『(번역)박통사』, 『(노박)집람』에 반영되어 있다는 점에 착 안하여 해당 문헌들이 같이 간행되었음을 주장하였으며, 조선시대 마지막 관찬 운서인 『奎章全韻』까지 『사성통해』의 발음을 화음의 기준으로 삼고 있어, 『사성통해』가 편찬 이후 조선시대 운학사에 막대한 영향을 끼쳤음을 확인하였다.
The System and Content Value of Saseong Tonghae
This paper focused on examining the system and contents of Saseong Tonghae (四聲通解, a Chinese rime dictionary compiled by Choi Se-jin) and understanding its value. As a result, it was found that Saseong Tonghae is based on HongmuJeong-un(洪武正韻), but shows Korean originality in rime classification system and initials arrangement. In particular, it is noticeable that the initials arrangement corresponds to the sequence of initial phonemes arrangement in Hunminjeong-eum Haeryebon(訓民正音解例本, a book explaining the principles of Hangul), which is the outcome of research on Chinese phonology during the Joseon Dynasty in the 15th century. Besides, based on the fact that pronunciations revised or newly suggested in Saseong Tonghae are reflected in (Beonyeok) Nogeoldae((飜譯)老乞大, The first translation of Nogeoldae, a foreign language textbook from the Joseon Dynasty), (Beonyeok)Bak Tongsa((飜譯)朴通事, The first translation of Baktongsa, a foreign language textbook from the Joseon Dynasty), and (No-Bak)Jipram((老朴)輯覽, Choi Se-jin’s explanation of difficult-to-understand words in Nogeoldae and Baktongsa), this paper argues that the relevant books were published together. And this paper confirms that after its publication, Saseong Tonghae had a tremendous effect on the history of research on Chinese phonology during the period of Joseon Dynasty, since even Gyujang-Jeonun(奎章全韻), the last Chinese rime dictionary in the Joseon Dynasty, was based on the pronunciations of Saseong Tonghae.